SL-8205363 Amber/Yellow 3mm Candle-Oil lamp on-chip random flicker circuit + chimney + wall fixture with mirror backing 12 in. 30AWG wire leads
Light your train and track side buildings with simulated Oil Lamp - Candle fixtures.

Add Candle/Oil Lamp lighting effects to your trains, cars, buildings, layouts and structure interiors with Shourt Line products featuring an on-chip simulation circuit in a 3mm animated amber/yellow LED fixture.

Also available for table top mounting
Shourt Line Discount Price: $24.95
Fixture Features:
- 1 each pre-assembled fixture with LED mounted to a wall mount with mirror backing, simulated brass finish and hurricane chimney surrounding the simulated oil-lamp/candle flame and diffusing the light for soft interior illumination
- The fixture back has 3M double sided high temp outdoor adhesive for mounting on car and building interiors
- Prewired with 12 inch 30 AWG black micro wires for easy installation
- Instructions included for mounting and powering
For analog, DCC or AC track or battery power when used with the Shourt Line LED controller
- True candle oil-lamp flame effect
- on-chip circuit simulates animated flame for realistic candle and oil lamp illumination
- Easy Install and wire
- Easy to mount in minutes
- Easy to wire with pre-wired 30AWG black wires
- Hi brightness Output
- LED is ultra bright and can be powered from a 2 to 3.4 volts DC
- Easy to power
- Perfect for powering from battery power or track voltage using a Shourt Line LED controller
- Hi Efficiency - up to 5 days of operation from a 9Volt Rechargeable LiON battery when the Shourt Line high efficiency controller is used.
Optional items:
- Optional Shourt Line LED Controller (recommended)
- Use the SL 8452403 for battery power or when DC power is available such as a decoder power output - Precision Train Throttle & LED controller for DC with solder connections- up to 92% efficient and able to power up to 200 LEDs directly from the controller by wiring LEDs in parallel.
- Use the SL 8453003 for Track power - AC,DC or DCC - Precision Train Throttle & LED controller with solder connections- up to 92% efficient and able to power up to 200 LEDs directly from the controller by wiring LEDs in parallel.

- Optional Shourt Line anti-flicker buffer (recommended)
- Use SL 6111047 4.7K uF Anti-flicker Buffer 2 wire to prevent flicker when bad sections of track cause power loss and to power additional cars without flicker
- SL-6102100 .1 Farad 27V Micro size LED Power Buffer - UPS Gold Cap Super Capacitor 2 Buffer for up to 60 seconds of LED lighting without track power
Wiring Diagram for SL LED controllers:
Note that the SL-8453003 come with a 2 amp Bridge Rectifier for connecting directly to track power, DC, DCC, AC volts)

Application Photos:

SL 8453003 Precision Train Throttle & LED controllers installed at both ends of the roof - one for powering and dimming the 12 SL-8205363 oil-lamp fixtures and one for powering and dimming the SL 8104430 5mm 4 LED soft light - baffle overhead interior reflection and fill light fixtures with 4 Warm White LEDs for fill lighting. Under the soft light is a SL-6102100 .1 Farad 27V Micro size LED Power Buffer - UPS Gold Cap Super Capacitor 2 Buffer for up to 20 seconds of lighting without track power. Adjusting the dimming on both controllers allows adjusting the interior brightness and the ratio of oil-lamp to fill lighting.
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